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Array ( [0] => 479 [PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID] => 479 [1] => Warships from the Age of Sail [CATEGORY_NAME] => Warships from the Age of Sail [2] => [CATEGORY_HEADER] => [3] => Model Tall Ships, Tall Ship Replicas, Warships from the Age of Sail, HMS Surprise, USS Constitution, Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard, Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge, Royal Fortune, Black Bart [PRODUCT_META_TAG] => Model Tall Ships, Tall Ship Replicas, Warships from the Age of Sail, HMS Surprise, USS Constitution, Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard, Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge, Royal Fortune, Black Bart [4] => Interested in model ships? We have many to choose from, including tall ships from the Age of Sail, plus other nautical decor ideas and gifts. FREE shipping on orders over $39. [PRODUCT_META_DESCRIPTION] => Interested in model ships? We have many to choose from, including tall ships from the Age of Sail, plus other nautical decor ideas and gifts. FREE shipping on orders over $39. [5] => Warships from the Age of Sail - USS Constitution, HMS Surprise, Black Pearl [PRODUCT_PAGE_TITLE] => Warships from the Age of Sail - USS Constitution, HMS Surprise, Black Pearl [6] => [PRODUCT_SEO] => [7] => warships-tall-ships.php [FILENAME] => warships-tall-ships.php [8] => Military might of the 15th to 19th centuries that changed the course of history USS Constitution, HMS Victory, HMS Surprise, Sovereign of the Seas, etc Browse %count% styles priced from %lowest%

During the Age of Sail, when the seas were the battlegrounds for the most powerful nations, naval warships were the ultimate weapons. From the legendary HMS Victory to the grand San Felipe, Handcrafted Model Ships offers many museum quality tall ship model replicas for home and office décor. Designed for speed, strength, and power, warships carried multiple banks of large cannons and stocks of firearms. Throughout the 1400s to the early 1900s these ships were the most powerful tools in the most powerful navies.

[CATEGORY_FOOTER] => Military might of the 15th to 19th centuries that changed the course of history USS Constitution, HMS Victory, HMS Surprise, Sovereign of the Seas, etc Browse %count% styles priced from %lowest%

During the Age of Sail, when the seas were the battlegrounds for the most powerful nations, naval warships were the ultimate weapons. From the legendary HMS Victory to the grand San Felipe, Handcrafted Model Ships offers many museum quality tall ship model replicas for home and office décor. Designed for speed, strength, and power, warships carried multiple banks of large cannons and stocks of firearms. Throughout the 1400s to the early 1900s these ships were the most powerful tools in the most powerful navies.

[9] => [AMAZON] => [10] => [IMAGE] => [11] => [H1] => Warships from the Age of Sail [12] => [H2] => [13] => [POINTS] => [14] => [CATEGORY_SPLASH] => [15] => 67 [CATEGORY_PICTURE] => 67 [16] => product [CATEGORY_TYPE] => product [17] => 0 [FEATURED] => 0 [18] => [EBAY] => [19] => [BREADCRUMB] => [20] => 1 [SHOW_ALL] => 1 [21] => [HOME_IMAGE] => [22] => HMS [CATEGORY_SITE] => HMS [SUPER_NAME] => )
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Similar to Warships from the Age of Sail Models

Warships from the Age of Sail Models

Military might of the 15th to 19th centuries that changed the course of history USS Constitution, HMS Victory, HMS Surprise, Sovereign of the Seas, etc Browse %count% styles priced from %lowest%

During the Age of Sail, when the seas were the battlegrounds for the most powerful nations, naval warships were the ultimate weapons. From the legendary HMS Victory to the grand San Felipe, Handcrafted Model Ships offers many museum quality tall ship model replicas for home and office décor. Designed for speed, strength, and power, warships carried multiple banks of large cannons and stocks of firearms. Throughout the 1400s to the early 1900s these ships were the most powerful tools in the most powerful navies.