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Array ( [0] => 487 [PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID] => 487 [1] => Black Bart's Royal Fortune [CATEGORY_NAME] => Black Bart's Royal Fortune [2] => [CATEGORY_HEADER] => [3] => Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirate Ship, A Pirate Ship, Wooden Pirate Ship Model, Pirates Ships for Sale, The Black Pearl Pirate Ship, Pirate Ships, Pirate Decorations, Pirate Boat, Pirate Decor [PRODUCT_META_TAG] => Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirate Ship, A Pirate Ship, Wooden Pirate Ship Model, Pirates Ships for Sale, The Black Pearl Pirate Ship, Pirate Ships, Pirate Decorations, Pirate Boat, Pirate Decor [4] => Interested in model pirate ships? We have many to choose from, including many Caribbean Pirate ships, plus other nautical decor ideas and gifts. FREE shipping on orders over $39. [PRODUCT_META_DESCRIPTION] => Interested in model pirate ships? We have many to choose from, including many Caribbean Pirate ships, plus other nautical decor ideas and gifts. FREE shipping on orders over $39. [5] => Black Part Pirate Roberts Bartholomew Pirate Ship Model Pirate Ship, Pirate Ships [PRODUCT_PAGE_TITLE] => Black Part Pirate Roberts Bartholomew Pirate Ship Model Pirate Ship, Pirate Ships [6] => [PRODUCT_SEO] => [7] => black-bart-pirate-ships.php [FILENAME] => black-bart-pirate-ships.php [8] =>

As one of the most successful pirates in history, Black Bart’s legend has continued to grow since his death in 1722. Estimated to have captured nearly 500 vessels in his time at sea, Black Bart terrorized the Caribbean in his flagship the Royal Fortune, flying the dreaded Jolly Roger Flag. Handcrafted Model Ships is proud to offer several amazing ships, from the 7” Royal Fortune model to the museum quality 20” replica. Place one of these ships in your home or office, fly your pirate flag, an enjoy Black Bart and his Royal Fortune.


As one of the most successful pirates in history, Black Bart’s legend has continued to grow since his death in 1722. Estimated to have captured nearly 500 vessels in his time at sea, Black Bart terrorized the Caribbean in his flagship the Royal Fortune, flying the dreaded Jolly Roger Flag. Handcrafted Model Ships is proud to offer several amazing ships, from the 7” Royal Fortune model to the museum quality 20” replica. Place one of these ships in your home or office, fly your pirate flag, an enjoy Black Bart and his Royal Fortune.

[9] => [AMAZON] => [10] => [IMAGE] => [11] => [H1] => Black Bart's Royal Fortune [12] => [H2] => [13] => A pirate successful beyond precedent Browse %count% styles priced from %lowest% Stunning ships that ruled the oceans through sheer might and determination [POINTS] => A pirate successful beyond precedent Browse %count% styles priced from %lowest% Stunning ships that ruled the oceans through sheer might and determination [14] => [CATEGORY_SPLASH] => [15] => 742 [CATEGORY_PICTURE] => 742 [16] => product [CATEGORY_TYPE] => product [17] => 3 [FEATURED] => 3 [18] => [EBAY] => [19] => [BREADCRUMB] => [20] => 0 [SHOW_ALL] => 0 [21] => [HOME_IMAGE] => [22] => HMS [CATEGORY_SITE] => HMS [SUPER_NAME] => )
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Similar to Black Bart's Royal Fortune Models

Black Bart's Royal Fortune Models

As one of the most successful pirates in history, Black Bart’s legend has continued to grow since his death in 1722. Estimated to have captured nearly 500 vessels in his time at sea, Black Bart terrorized the Caribbean in his flagship the Royal Fortune, flying the dreaded Jolly Roger Flag. Handcrafted Model Ships is proud to offer several amazing ships, from the 7” Royal Fortune model to the museum quality 20” replica. Place one of these ships in your home or office, fly your pirate flag, an enjoy Black Bart and his Royal Fortune.