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Array ( [0] => 494 [PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID] => 494 [1] => Pirates of the Caribbean [CATEGORY_NAME] => Pirates of the Caribbean [2] => [CATEGORY_HEADER] => [3] => Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates of the Carribbean, On Stranger Tides, Queen Annes Revenge, Blackbeards Queen Annes Revenge, Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides, Curse of the Black Pearl, Captain Jack [PRODUCT_META_TAG] => Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates of the Carribbean, On Stranger Tides, Queen Annes Revenge, Blackbeards Queen Annes Revenge, Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides, Curse of the Black Pearl, Captain Jack [4] => Interested in model pirate ships? We have many to choose from, including many Caribbean Pirate ships, plus other nautical decor ideas and gifts. FREE shipping on orders over $39. [PRODUCT_META_DESCRIPTION] => Interested in model pirate ships? We have many to choose from, including many Caribbean Pirate ships, plus other nautical decor ideas and gifts. FREE shipping on orders over $39. [5] => Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of The Black Pearl Pirate Ship, Pirate Decor [PRODUCT_PAGE_TITLE] => Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of The Black Pearl Pirate Ship, Pirate Decor [6] => [PRODUCT_SEO] => [7] => pirates-of-the-caribbean.php [FILENAME] => pirates-of-the-caribbean.php [8] =>

Giving rise to the Golden Age of Piracy, the Caribbean was home to many of the most notorious pirates in history. From Blackbeard to Calico Jack and Black Bart, the Caribbean provided an endless bounty of ships and merchandise ripe for the taking. Handcrafted Model Ships is proud to offer a wonderful collection of the most famous and infamous pirate ships to ever sail the seas. From classic 7” Ships-in-a-Bottle to impressively large and detailed museum quality replicas, find the perfect ship for you and enchant your imagination with the Pirates of the Caribbean.


Giving rise to the Golden Age of Piracy, the Caribbean was home to many of the most notorious pirates in history. From Blackbeard to Calico Jack and Black Bart, the Caribbean provided an endless bounty of ships and merchandise ripe for the taking. Handcrafted Model Ships is proud to offer a wonderful collection of the most famous and infamous pirate ships to ever sail the seas. From classic 7” Ships-in-a-Bottle to impressively large and detailed museum quality replicas, find the perfect ship for you and enchant your imagination with the Pirates of the Caribbean.

[9] => [AMAZON] => [10] => [IMAGE] => [11] => [H1] => Pirates of the Caribbean [12] => [H2] => [13] => Where the Golden Age of Piracy began Browse %count% styles priced from %lowest% Legendary ships that cruised the waters of the Caribbean [POINTS] => Where the Golden Age of Piracy began Browse %count% styles priced from %lowest% Legendary ships that cruised the waters of the Caribbean [14] => [CATEGORY_SPLASH] => [15] => 170 [CATEGORY_PICTURE] => 170 [16] => product [CATEGORY_TYPE] => product [17] => 2 [FEATURED] => 2 [18] => [EBAY] => [19] => [BREADCRUMB] => [20] => 0 [SHOW_ALL] => 0 [21] => [HOME_IMAGE] => [22] => HMS [CATEGORY_SITE] => HMS [SUPER_NAME] => )
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Pirates of the Caribbean Models

Giving rise to the Golden Age of Piracy, the Caribbean was home to many of the most notorious pirates in history. From Blackbeard to Calico Jack and Black Bart, the Caribbean provided an endless bounty of ships and merchandise ripe for the taking. Handcrafted Model Ships is proud to offer a wonderful collection of the most famous and infamous pirate ships to ever sail the seas. From classic 7” Ships-in-a-Bottle to impressively large and detailed museum quality replicas, find the perfect ship for you and enchant your imagination with the Pirates of the Caribbean.